Balanced Health Yoga

 Class Schedule

Please register using the button below to stay in the loop and to receive Zoom class links.

(You will need to download and set up Zoom on your device before the start of class.) Schedule subject to occasional modifications.



Mon. 9:30am • Yoga Conditioning

Mon. 4:30pm • Gentle Flow

Wed. 8:00am • Yoga Conditioning

Wed. 9:30am • Yoga Flow

Wed. 11:00am • Gentle Flow

Fri. 8:00am • Yoga Conditioning

Fri. 9:30am • Yoga Flow

Sun. 9:30am • Yoga Flow



Step One:

Step Two:

Step Three: keep an eye on your inbox for an email with your Zoom class links!

Payment can be applied to any class you want!

Class Descriptions

Yoga Flow

Class begins in any variety of ways: standing, sitting, child’s pose, or supine. Every class is chock full of exciting, uplifting, as well as grounding, nurturing poses. We wind down with a guided prananyama, meditation, and savasana. Yoga Flow is a great place to be if you’re a seasoned yogi or are ready for a fun, fast, flow!

Gentle Flow


Class begins with gentle stretching and pranayama (focused breathing). We gradually move into more strengthening poses with the support of bolsters, pillows, blocks, blankets, or straps whenever needed. Class ends with a guided pranayama followed by a visualization which lulls you into a deep relaxation (savasana). Gentle Flow is a great place to be if you’re new to yoga, have taken a hiatus, or need the comfort of a slow down.

Yoga Conditioning

Joanna in twisting lunge with weights on the floor

Adding weights to your yoga class burns calories and challenges balance! Some classes are more focused on cardio while others are geared toward building core. All classes wind down with a guided pranayama, mediation, and savasana.

Payment can be applied to any class you want!


Private Sessions

Whether you would like private attention to achieve a challenging pose or to move deeper into meditation and peace, private sessions with Joanna are available!