Balanced Health Yoga

MEET Joanna


  • Currently in progress: 500 Hour Teacher Training Yoga Alliance | Kripalu (Uniting Yoga & Ayurveda) | Stockbridge, MA

  • 2020: 200 Hour RYT Yoga Alliance | Kripalu (School of Ayurveda) | Stockbridge, MA

  • 2019: 200 Hour RYT Yoga Alliance | Center for Natural Living w/Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones (The Vital Psoas Muscle) & Irum Naqvi | Cranford, NJ

  • 2015: 200 Hour Alignment Based Yoga | Real, Good Yoga Teacher Training at Bright Heart Yoga w/Kessiah Carlbon | Randolph, NJ

  • 2008: 200 Hour Hatha Yoga for Children | School of Complete Yoga | Chester, NJ

  • 2003: 200 Hour Hatha Yoga | School of Complete Yoga | Chester, NJ



What drove me to Yoga?  INFERTILITY  

Married and 28 years old, I was grief stricken and looked to yoga for peace of mind. I was shocked & excited to learn that yoga wasn’t just meditation and gentle stretching. There were actually challenging poses like handstands, backbends, and twists that miraculously soothed my anxious body. The philosophy captured my attention and helped to quiet my mind. Gratefully, I became pregnant with twins and within 6 months my third and last child was conceived! 

Why did I continue taking Yoga classes?  INSOMNIA.  

You would think that being a Mom of 3 children, all under 2 years of age, would exhaust anybody into a sound sleep! But no amount of physical activity could quiet my restless thoughts. I decided to get serious and get certified. It wasn’t until I softened my yoga flow, learned focused breathing (pranayama) and practiced meditation that I start to sleep soundly again.  

Why am I teaching? MENOPAUSE.

Yoga has worked for me so far, WHY STOP NOW? Now at 53, I’m fit, healthy and happy thanks to my students and family who encourage me to keep teaching. It is my honor to share the joys of yoga flow, focused breathing, and meditation with you.